Considering the evolution of the epidemiological situation that we have been experiencing, the Government came, through Decree-Law no. 22-A/2021, of 17 March, to extend deadlines and establish exceptional and temporary measures. We highlight some of these measures:
Insurance contracts The exceptional and temporary regime for insurance contracts, approved by Decree-Law no. 20-F/2020, of 12 May, is extended until 30 September 2021. This Decree-Law establishes flexibility measures in compliance with obligations arising from insurance contracts, namely arrears, reductions and fractioning of insurance premiums as a result of the temporary reduction in insurance risks resulting from the significant slowdown or even suspension of activity of the insured. Central Registry of Ultimate Beneficial Owners In order to reduce the charges of companies and other legal persons, in 2021, annual confirmation of the information contained in the Central Registry of Ultimate Beneficial Owners is waived, regardless of the date on which the declaration of beneficial owner has been made and provided that no facts that cause a change in the information contained therein occur. General meetings Notwithstanding the possibility of holding general meetings through telematic means, the general meetings of commercial companies, cooperatives and associations, which must be held by legal or statutory imposition can be held until June 30, or, in the case of cooperatives and associations with more than 100 cooperatives or associates, until September 30. Vacation maps In view of the difficulties experienced by employers in meeting the April 15 deadline for approval and posting of the vacation map, this deadline is extended until May 15, 2021, regardless of the employment relationship, the type or nature of the legal relationship in question. Also considering the exceptional context arising from the Covid-19 Pandemic, the Authority for Working Conditions announced that the delivery of the Single Report will take place between April 16 and June 30, 2021.